The mechanised boat fishermen of Jagadapattinam coastal village in Tamil Nadu’s Pudukkottai district held a protest by blocking local roads on Wednesday in demand of the release of the 24 Indian fishermen who had been detained by the Sri Lankan Navy a few days earlier.
M.K. Stalin, the chief minister, has already asked the Ministry of External Affairs to get involved in order to get the fishermen released.
The Sri Lankan Navy also has custody of the pricey mechanised fishing boats.
The Sri Lankan Navy detained fishermen from the Jagadapattinam coast in Tamil Nadu’s Pudukkottai district when they fished close to the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL).
The Sri Lankan Navy said that the Indian fishermen were arrested because they had entered Sri Lankan seas and were fishing there.
The Pudukottai Fishermen Association is protesting in the streets with women and children in tow, pleading with the state and federal governments to act swiftly to secure their release.
The fishermen have pleaded with the Ministry of External Affairs, the Government of India, and the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu to raise the issue with the Sri Lankan government and secure the release of the fishermen who are being held by the Sri Lankan Navy.