On November 11, fishermen in Tamil Nadu will protest across the state in opposition to a recent event in which a fisherman was hurt after being shot by the Navy.
A fishing boat with 10 people on board was fired upon by an Indian Navy ship on patrol near the India-Sri Lanka International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) on October 21.
The 35-year-old fisherman K. Veeravel was shot in the leg and stomach, and nine other people were also hurt.
The central and state governments should give each of the 10 injured fisherman fair compensation, according to G. Devan, a leader of the Myladuthurai fishermen.
Veeraval was partially maimed as a result of the injuries, therefore Devan also demanded a government post for him.
He continued by saying that communications have been sent to all of the state’s coastline regions, and involvement in the agitation is anticipated to come from all of them.
The agitation is being led by the fisherfolk panchayaths of Tharangambai, Vanagiri, Chinnakottaimedu, and Pazhayar.